Wednesday, October 30, 2019

French Revolution (1789) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

French Revolution (1789) - Essay Example lic and in 1793 executed the king. The formation of the National assembly, a body of people who were picked out of the middle classes, was an important development during the year of 1792. This led to an understanding on part of both the king and the bourgeoisie of the power of a collective, which strengthened the foundations of the goal to come out of political and social upheaval. According to a scholar, David Sibalis, the formation of the National Assembly represented an attempt on the part of the Parisian middle classes to â€Å"provide themselves with some minimal economic security through their own efforts.†3 Many of these efforts were frustrated by later events of the Revolution but the events of 1789 displayed a passion and fervor on the part of the Parisian middle classes to rise above their petty divisions and fight for the causes of equality that the French Revolution stands for, even today. The fight was also against what Barry M. Shapiro, a researcher, refers to a s an â€Å"irrational and inhumane judicial system†4 that refused to fix every subject of the state equally. According to a historian Eric Hobsbawn, the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789 reflected the third estate’s passion and enthusiasm.5 Disgruntled soldiers joined the movement rioters who sought to storm the Bastille. Although the Bastille was a prison, it was also an armory, which the revolutionaries needed to continue their movement. It was also intended as a warning to the higher powers of Paris. The demand of the public for a constitutional monarchy that would lead to the formation of a republic had gained momentum in Paris and the middle classes saw in this idea the promise of a better future. The storming of the Bastille assumes greater implications once one takes these factors of the storming into regard. The storming of the battle, the, becomes a symbolic attack on the tyranny that the nobles and the king practiced upon the citizens of France. Accor ding to a historian, Richard Burton, the Bastille formed a â€Å"nexus of fears and phobias whose hold over the eighteenth century Parisian mind is not to be doubted.†6 It is this tenacious hold that the act of the storming of the Bastille sought to loosen, consciously or unconsciously. Paris being the capital of the country, not only was aware of the nature of the exploitation that was happening, but Parisians were also the first to be affected by the mismanagement of the economy. They possessed the ability, due to their proximity to the centers of power, to analyses and understand the causes of the miserable conditions of their existence, as they existed in 1789. These conditions reached a peak when the Bastille was stormed. This action in itself, shorn of it symbolic significance, appears a trivial one since there weren’t any important people in the Bastille who could have been harmed. As a prison of the French government, however, the Bastille had turned into a sym bol of the tyranny that caused great misery to the lives of the French people. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Inculturation In Contemporary Mission Theology Religion Essay

Inculturation In Contemporary Mission Theology Religion Essay This assignment will explore the place of inculturation in contemporary mission by defining mission in the present world and exploring how the various aspects of mission are affected by mission and the origins of the word inculturation. There will also be exploration into the ethics of inculturation in mission and an exploration of the biblical perspective of mission. The assignment will consider whether inculturation is part of the Missio Dei. This assignment will focus on inculturation in the western world as inculturation is most important when applied to a post-Christondom society as these are the lease likely to have a view on God. It is also more likely to be within the interest of the target audience for this essay. There is considerable controversy surrounding the meaning of the term inculturation. The relationship between gospel and cultures is recognised as  a crucial question for Christian mission.  [1]  Ã‚  The two main words used when relating culture with the Gospel and these are contextualisation and inculturation. These terms differ only by a matter of perspective contextualisation is to make the Gospel relevant to the culture and inculturation is the perspective of the Gospel represented within those situations. The Gospel is communicated in and through language, symbols, music, traditions, and customs. In other words, the Gospel is communicated through culture. This is where inculturation begins. Each of the four gospels was written for a specific culture. For example, the gospel of Matthew was written for Jewish communities. The Gospel message transforms the world and continues to be inculturated in different times and places (Matthew 5.1-16). Among the problems vexing modern missiology is the urgent need for adaptation, both due to declining congregations in the post-Christendom era and because of the constant need for adaptation to promote acceptance of faith. Mission partners are told to adjust themselves to the people whom they labour.  [2]  This is the product of inculturation. The making of disciples is a process that begins at the point of conversion, but continues long after it, for the entirety, one could argue, of a Christians life. The International Standard Dictionary Bible Dictionary defines disciples thus: after the death and ascension of Jesus, disciples are those who confess Him as the Messiah.  [3]  The process of becoming a disciple thus begins with a confession of faith, but must continue as part of the Body of Christ, and in the Church. The term winning souls implies in itself an eschatological view of salvation, and places a heavier emphasis on life in Christ after the resurrection of the dead than life in Christ in this world. In principle salvation is the effect on the soul of a conversion to Christianity. There is, however, a distinction to be made between saving and winning souls. Whilst the former has a firmly eschatological meaning, the latter is more ambiguous. It is therefore imperative that the motives of the church are clear; namely, from what are these souls being saved from? Butler describes American culture as something that people need to be saved from.  [4]   The practice of Paul laid out in 1 Corinthians 9:22 is that Christianity appeared to those on the outside of faith to adapt to the circumstances in which they find those to whom they are preaching. The word inculturation is of recent coinage and has rapidly been accepted within theological debate.  [5]  This would appear to imply that it meets a need identified recently and that there is general agreement on its significance within contemporary mission that it is a vital component to successful mission both when inculturation is naturally occurring and when it is formulated for the purpose. Academics agree that the message of the New Testament entails mission. Passages such as Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-16 are usually referred to by scholars as the Great Commission.  [6]  Due to this the Church of Jesus has a mandate to take the salvific message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth and to make Disciples of Christ in every nation. There is some ambiguity regarding the understanding of mission.  [7]  Practicing ones faith in community is an important way of participating in mission.  [8]  Through baptism, Hebrews 10:25 withholds that Christians believe that they become sisters and brothers belonging together in Christ. The church is the  coming together  of the faithful and their  going forth  in peace and this is the mission God is said to require of his people and this is also known as the Missio Dei.  [9]  Bosch is one theologian strongly in favour of witnessing as a Christian, saying that Mission means serving, healing, and reconciling a divided, wounded humanity.  [10]  Sometimes to achieve these aims set out by Bosch it is required to adapt ones personal understanding in favour of a greater meaning which can put into motion these missiological acts. Bosch describes mission in general terms as the activity of proclaiming and embodying the gospel among those who have not yet embraced it.  [11]  The basic premise of mission is that all Christians should be involved in the Great Commission of Jesus as spoken in Matthew 28:19-20. The teaching of the contemporary missional church is that the church has a mission because Jesus had a mission.  [12]  Hirsch describes mission when he says missional church is a community of Gods people that defines itself, and organizes its life around, its real purpose of being an agent of Gods mission to the world.  [13]   Through inculturation, the Church provides an incarnational in cultures and at the same time introduces people along with their cultures, into the churches own community, providing that it is biblical.  [14]  People of faith transmits these Biblical ideologies into their own values, at the same time taking the elements which already exist within their cultures and adapting those that do not into a more applicable form.  [15]  Due to this action within the local churches, the universal Church has developed forms of expression and ethics in the various sectors of Christian life, such as evangelization, worship, theology and social justice.  [16]   A consequence of inculturation is that a given culture has an opportunity to be transformed by faith, and ideally the culture in question is introduced into the Church. Inculturation has this effect because humanity reflects God as they are created in His image (Genesis 1:27). God has planted His holy spirit, in every individual, and as such, every community. This is a normal consequence of humanitys creation in the image and likeness of God.  [17]  Ã‚  Christians believe, as described by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians that the Holy Spirit is active in all of humanity, regardless of whether they have faith in him. This is this reason that the Gospel message can be unchanging despite inculturation of the Gospel into cultures.  [18]  It is the duty of evangelism which is made possible due to inculturation, to reveal this presence and this activity, to discover and affirm holy spirit and to challenge everything in the culture, which impedes the full manifestation of Gods truth and love.  [19]  This provides a full circle of inculturation from applying the Gospel to the culture in question, to the culture being transformed by the Gospel message and to some extent un-inculturating themselves. There are various different ways of explaining transformation of culture by faith. One opinion, represented by Galder, is to situate the process in what is called the  Missio Dei, which basically means the Mission of God.  [20]  Ã‚  The Missio  Dei reaches its potential in the great commandment of love (oneanother as oneself) and its practical implementation in the life and sacrifice of Jesus described in John as God so loved the world that he gave his only Son (John 3: 16).  [21]  Another approach taken by theologians, represented by Wainwright Tucker, is to see inculturation as a consequence of the Incarnation.  [22]  By becoming human, God identified himself with human culture.  [23]  Culture was part of the human nature adopted by God the Son, Jesus.  [24]  Ã‚  This identification was completed in the death of Jesus on the cross.  [25]  Through his death and resurrection, Jesus transcended the limitations of an earthly life and has extended his saving power interculturally.  [26]  This process of the inculturation wheel involves the death and resurrection of each and every culture.  [27]  Ã‚  Christians believe, according to Wainright, that their faith is the perfection of every culture.  [28]  Both of these arguments represent valid points however, despite being seemingly distinctive in academic writings, they have no requirement to be mutually exclusive. For this reason, one may conclude that one could incorporate the incarnation with the Missio Dei for maximum beneficial results. Inculturation affects every aspect of the Christian life, particularly how that life of faith begins. Evangelism as Witness, a model put forward by Abraham, is the idea that a Christians everyday life should serve as a witness to their faith and that this should be a route to evangelism.  [29]  The basis for this idea is found in the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus tells his disciples, In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16). Abraham himself is ambivalent about this approach: while it is effective at making evangelism a natural part of a Christians daily life, there is a danger that it can [allow] us to pretend that the church has fulfilled its obligations in evangelism when in reality it has reduced evangelism to our acts of mercy and love.  [30]  Furthermore, by making evangelism an inherent part of the Christian lifestyle, but distinctive from secularisation, it becomes removed from the culture of a community and represents its own, faithful culture.  [31]  This would leave room for new converts to detach from an inculturated Gospel message and begin their faith from pure eyes.  [32]  Through the eyes of inculturisation evangelism as witness appears to be a shallow representation of the understanding of the role of inculturism in contemporary culture. However, one thing that may be said of evangelism by witness is that its motives are inherently pure. Because the Christian lifestyle is not a means to an evangelistic end but an end in itself, evangelism is not a purpose in itself; rather a Christ-like life is the purpose, and evangelism is merely a by-product. This is the danger that Abraham expresses in The Art: that witness as evangelism exaggerates what can be conveyed through acts of mercy and love alone.  [33]   One characteristic of Jesus Christ is his willingness to serve. He spent his human life serving the apostles and all those he came in contact with. Through the scriptures, his service has become much more far reaching, beyond the people he came in direct contact with. The stories that are told teach all of us why service is important. When Christ was teaching the multitudes of people and it was a meal time, the community of people got hungry. Jesus was compassionate to their needs and fed them. Not only did he perform a miracle to show that what He provided both in the meal and in his saving actions, that there was enough for everyone, but he also shared his time with His people. Jesus is taken as the ultimate idol in a time where people feel the need to be provided with an external locus of identity. His example surpasses culture, it is an intercultural need that supposes time and space, for that of food, nutritionally and spiritually. This could be argued to be evidence for a resol ution to some issues facing faith across cultures. Christianity is a religion that has surpassed centuries and inculturation is is entwined throughout the churchs history. As a result of this historical process there is a certain accumulation of cultural elements, which begin with those biblical influences where the culture is present whilst continually being affected and adapted by cultures.  [34]  The cultures of the Bible are necessary for the understanding of Scripture, which, in the Christian tradition, cannot be replaced by any other historical influence.  [35]   Within more traditional church practices there is the use of words, gestures and rites particularly those that belong to the liturgy of the sacraments. There are other traditions the church has help which Jesus himself did or has commanded his followers to participate in: Baptism and the bread and wine which Jesus substituted for the blessings of the Jewish Passover.  [36]  The Church feels unable to change these practices without being unfaithful to the historical Jesus.  [37]   The process of the inculturation into other cultures is costly in time. Tanye describes it as not a matter of purely external adaptation, for inculturation means the intimate transformation of authentic cultural values through their integration in Christianity and the insertion of Christianity in the various human cultures.  [38]  The process is thus a profound and all-embracing one, which involves the Christian message and also the Churchs reflection and practice. At the same time it is a difficult process, as the attraction to compromise the distinctiveness and integrity of the Christian faith is strong. The Church identifies with biblical culture, but this is ever further from its own living culture of today. The cultures of the first century AD are, in fact, cultures which are not naturally occurring in modern society. The reason for emphasis on biblical culture is because it belongs to the humanity and historicity of Jesus himself, who is the subject of evangelization/inculturation. People of every culture have to do this and it is part of the reality of inculturation itself, especially where these elements are essential   Ã‚  to Christian identity. Inculturation is a slow journey which accompanies the whole of missionary life. It involves those working in the Churchs mission and the Christian communities as they develop.. It is an integral component to evangelism. For this reason inculturation is essential to the current church in the west however is not ideal for a longer-term plan for the church.

Friday, October 25, 2019

paper :: essays research papers

Programmer's File Editor 1.01 ----------------------------- Welcome to Programmer's File Editor. This file is the place to start looking at the program: if you've not seen PFE before there's a synopsis of its main features; and if you've used earlier versions there's some essential information on major changes. Below you'll find   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. ABSTRACT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A brief list of PFE's main features   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. USING AND DISTRIBUTING PFE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The terms on which you can use it and pass it on   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How to pass on your criticisms, suggestions, bug reports   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and maybe even praise   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4. WHERE TO GET PFE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Places to look for PFE on the Internet and elsewhere   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5. WHICH VERSION SHOULD YOU USE?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How to pick the most appropriate version   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6. UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Important information if you're currently using an older   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  version of PFE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7. OTHER FILES YOU SHOULD LOOK AT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other important text files in this release   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8. THE FILES YOU SHOULD GET   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What should be in your distribution set   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  9. INSTALLING PFE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How to install everything --- Alan Phillips  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ( )   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ( ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ABSTRACT ----------- This is the 1.01 release of Programmer's File Editor, a large-capacity multi-file programming oriented editor for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 on Intel platforms, Windows 2000 on Intel platforms, and Windows 3.1x PFE includes the following features: - The size of file it can handle is limited only by the total amount of virtual memory available - No arbitrary limit on the number of lines a file can contain - It can edit multiple files, the number being limited only by the available system resources - Allows multiple edit windows showing the same file - Multi-level undo facility - Can read and write files in UNIX format using LF as line terminator, with automatic format detection - Line numbers can be shown in any edit window if required - Text can be copied and moved by dragging and dropping - Right-click mouse menus give access to commonly required functions - DOS commands such as compilers can be run with the output captured in an edit window - Commonly-used text can be inserted in a simple operation from template libraries - Fully-remappable keyboard, including two-key operation similar to MicroEMACS and mapping of Alt keys to functions - Keystrokes and menu commands can be recorded in replayable keyboard macros which can be collected into libraries - Files can be printed either in total, by line range, or selected text only - Files can be printed with two pages per sheet of paper in landscape mode or as booklets - Automatic line indenting and removal of trailing spaces - Automatic configuration of edit options depending on file type - Automatic configuration of tab sizes depending on file type

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poem Comparison: ‘Island Man’, ‘Two Scavengers…’ Essay

Compare ‘Island Man’ with one other poem, to show how the poets use people to explain the conflict that can exist between and within different cultures. People are at the centre all communities. They embody the values, customers and ideas that particular culture possesses. By examining how people behave and think, it is possible to gain a greater understanding of how their cultural roots affect them. ‘Island Man’ describes how an immigrant in London reacts to his environment as he dreams of his Caribbean home. In contrast, the people in ‘Two Scavengers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ all live in San Francisco, but lead totally different lives there. ‘Island Man’ uses structure to show the conflicting and confused waking thoughts of the man. There is no punctuation, the line lengths vary and some phrases are totally misplaced, as is the individual: â€Å"he always comes back groggily groggily†. Like ‘Island Man’, ‘Two Scavengers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ also has no punctuation. It represents an instant in time, like the flash of a camera. The conflicting images seem to be laid one on top of the other, line by line, emphasising the contrasts between the two lifestyles. The language in ‘Island Man’ shows the inner turmoil that the character is going through. The reader gets a series of contrasting images. For example, â€Å"the sound of the blue surf† of the Caribbean conflicts with, the â€Å"grey metallic soar† of London. The â€Å"pillow waves† show the troubled sleep he has had which has caused the ruffles, but also tells of the dreams he has had of his â€Å"emerald island†. The word â€Å"wombing† suggests the sense of security his homeland offers him, in contrast to the faceless â€Å"dull North Circular roar† of London. Contrast is also used in ‘Two Scavengers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, but here it is the contrast of the different types of people: the woman is â€Å"casually coifed†, the older man is â€Å"grungy†. Although the young men’s hair and glasses are similar, their appearances are mostly very different; the â€Å"hip three-piece linen suit† conflicts with the â€Å"red plastic blazers†. The use of vocabulary is effective in both poems. Some words, such as â€Å"soar†, â€Å"roar† and â€Å"surge† have double meanings: they are positive when they relate to his island, but have negative meanings in London. In ‘Two Scavengers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, descriptive words are used to highlight the differences between the people. For example, â€Å"scavengers† are unworthy compared to â€Å"an elegant couple†. The poet uses this contrast to make a direct criticism of society and how it creates this division between rich and poor people. Phrases like â€Å"small gulf† emphasise how these people may only be a few metres apart on the street, but, in terms of their lifestyles, they will never meet. Both poets show how the people feel in their different situations and give us their own view. ‘Island Man’ obviously has fond memories of the Caribbean but resents his dull lifestyle in London. We can feel his depression as he â€Å"heaves himself† to â€Å"Another London day†. Grace Nichols has sympathy for this man as he feels the conflict of these two cultures. The feelings revealed in ‘Two Scavengers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ are very one-sided, as we have the envy of the poor, â€Å"as if they were watching some odorless TV ad / in which everything is always possible,† contrasting with the uncaring attitudes of the rich, who don’t even seem to notice the truck or its passengers. The poet’s attitude here is one of despair at this unequal society. ‘Island Man’ has made me more aware how it might feel to be trapped in a foreign country, while ‘Two Scavengers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ starkly highlights the divisions in American society. The poems have made me hope that in the future, society will be more equal and that governments who promise equal opportunities for all will deliver on what they say.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Liquid Chromatography Lab

Liquid Chromatography – Laboratory #18 Introduction: We are using liquid chromatography to separate the colored substances in grape-flavored drinks. We separate the component dyes, and then we separate the flavorings and citric acids. Background: Chromatography is a process that is used to separate a substance into its component parts. The separation occurs between the stationary and moving phase of the lab. The moving phase consists of a fluid and the stationary phase consists of a solid. The mixture we are trying to split up is integrated into the mobile phase.When the mobile phase interacts with the solid phase, the components of the mixture are attracted to the solid phase in varying degrees. Components with higher levels of attraction for the mobile phase result in a faster speed of transport throughout the solid phase. Components with higher levels of attraction for the solid phase result in a slower speed of transport throughout the solid phase. These differing levels o f attraction end up in separation of the mixture into component bands, which exit the system as distinct liquids. [pic] Liquid chromatography labs are composed of six main parts: . A separation column filled with a fine-grain solid. b. A solvent (mobile phase) that moves through the separation column. c. An injection system to transport the solvent to the separation column. d. A pump to force the solvent through the separation column. e. A detector to determine when the components exit the separation column. f. A recorder [pic] Although in most chromatography labs the solid phase is polar and the mobile phase is nonpolar, we are using Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatography, where the mobile phase is polar and the solid phase is nonpolar. Also read: Fluorenol PolarityWhen the mobile phase interacts with the solid phase, the polar parts of the mobile phase are attracted to each other, so they wash through the column quickly. The less polar components of the mobile phase are attracted to the nonpolar solid in the column, so they wash through the column slowly. This results in a separation of the components, whose degree is measured as the resolution. [pic] Pre-lab Questions 1. What is the process of chromatography used for? 2. In the chromatography, components of a mixture distribute themselves between the stationary phase and the mobile phase.Explain how the components can be separate with these two phases. 3. In the liquid chromatography column used in this experiment, the solid has a C18 hydrocarbon bonded to it. Would a C18 hydrocarbon be polar or nonpolar? Explain. 4. Below are the typical data for this experiment. 1 mL of a Kool-Aid solution was loaded on a Sep-Pak C18 Column. The red and blue dyes were eluted fro m the column with a constant flow of 18% isopropyl alcohol. The eluted solution was collected in a 10 mL graduated cylinder. The volumes of eluant were recoreded at the beginning and end of each color band. pic] Information: The first step in calculating the selectivity and resolution of the system is determining the volumes of eluant corresponding to the band widths and band centers for each eluted dye. a. Bandwidth W is the volume in mL of eluant containing each dye as it emerges from the column. Calculate the bandwidth W for each dye for each of the three runs and then determine the average bandwidth W average for each dye. b. Center of band, called Average Retention Volume V Rave corresponds to the center of each band.The average retention volume is calculated by taking the average starting volume for each band and adding one half the corresponding average band width. V Rave = V start + (? ) W ave Calculate the average retention volume volume V Rave for the red and blue dyes. c. For each dye, a capacity factor k' can be calculated. This term is a relative measure of the attraction of the dye for the stationary phase as compared to its attraction for the mobile phase. The equation fo capacity factor is : k' = (V Rave – V M)/V M here V Rave is the average retention volume for each dye and V M is mobile phase or eluant volume in the cartridge. V M can be estimated to be one half the cartridge volume, with the stationary phase occupying the other half. For the Sep-Pak cartridges, this V M value is . 49 mL. Calculate k' for each dye. d. A selectivity or separation factor, alpha, can now be calculated. This is the ratio of the k' values for each dye, with the larger value in the numerator. For good separation, a mobile phase is usually chosen that gives an alpha value between 2 and 10. Calculate alpha for this separation: alpha = (k' Blue)/(k' Red) e.The resolution R, a measure of how well the two dyes are separated by the column and eluant, is determined by the equation R = 2(V Rave Blue – V Rave Red)/(W Blue + W Red) where the numerator is the volume between the band centers and the denominatory represents the average band width. The greater the selectivity, the larger the numerator and therefore the greater the resolution. The resolution can also increase as the efficiency of the column increases, since this results in a lower average band width. Calculate R for this separation. Materials: Isopropyl Alcohol, 70% 50 mLIsopropyl Alcohol, 28%, 10 mL Isopropyl Alcohol, 18% 50 mL Isopropyl Alcohol, 5% 10 mL Graduated Cylinder, 10mL Graduated Cylinder, 25 mL Distilled Water, 300 mL Grape Koolaid Solution, 20 mL Sep-Pak C18 Cartridge 10 mL Syringe w/ male Luer tip Beaker, 100 mL, 3 Beaker, 50 mL, Safety Precautions: Isopropyl alcohol is inflammable and a fire hazard. Do not conduct this laboratory in the presence of flames. This alcohol is slightly toxic by ingestion and inhalation. Chemical-resistant goggles, gloves, and aprons are required. Wash and rinse hands thoroughly with soap and water after conducting the lab.Procedure Part 1: Isocratic Separation (Constant rate of flow and solvent concentration) Pretreatment of the Sep-Pak C18 Cartridge 1. Cut off the exit tube/shorter end of the cartridge at the point where it meets the body of the cartridge. 2. Load the syringe with 10mL of 70% isopropyl alcohol. 3. Connect the tip of the syringe to the long end of the Sep-Pak cartridge. 4. Pump the isopropyl alcohol through the syringe cartridge at a rate of 5-10 mL/minute. 5. Collect the alcohol in a 10 mL graduated cylinder to monitor flow rate. 6. Repeat previous steps with distilled water. Sample Injection . Use 10 mL syringe to slowly inject 1 mL of Kool-Aid solution onto the column. 2. Discard the effluent that washes out. 3. Remove the cartridge from the syringe. 4. Rinse the syringe with 10 mL of distilled water 3 times to erase Kool-Aid residue. Sample Elution 1. Fill the syringe with 18% isopropyl alc ohol eluant and attach the syringe to the Sep-Pak Cartridge. 2. Pump the alcohol through the cartridge with a flow rate of 5-10 mL/min. 3. Collect effluent in 10 mL graduated cylinder. 4. Record volume of effluent collected as first and last of colored drops of each of the dyes exit.If separation is imperfect, record data for beginning/end of intermediate purple bands. Center of the purple band acts as the end of the first band and beginning of the last. Column Regeneration Repeat measurements two more times. Between injections, wash the column with 10 mL of distilled water at the same flow rate of 5-10 mL/min. If colored residue remains, repeat preatreatment. Part 2: Step Gradient Separation Now, we change composition of the eluting liquid. We first use a polar solvent, and then we reduce the polarity of the solid phase by adding isopropyl alcohol.Through this, we wash out citric acid and flavoring oils in addition. Pretreatment of the Sep-Pak C18 Cartridge Follow the pretreatment in Part 1. Sample Injection and Component Elution 1. Inject 1 mL of Kool-Aid solution into the column. 2. Elute polar components of the mixture (citric acid and sugar) by passing 5 mL of distilled water through the column. 3. Collect effluent in the first small beaker. 4. Elute the red dye by passing 10 mL of 5% isopropyl alcohol through the column. 5. Collect effluent in the second small beaker. 6. Use 10 mL of the 28% isopropyl alcohol to elute blue dye. 7. Collect effluent in the third small beaker. . Use 10 mL of 70% isopropyl alcohol to elute nonpolar flavor oils and additives. 9. Collect effluent in the fourth small beaker. 10. Record the color of each effluent. Evaporate the solvents and examine the components. 1. Allow the solutions to evaporate and leave them overnight in the fume hood until next lab period. Label solutions properly. 2. Observe and describe contents of each of the beakers. Measure using color, odor, and appearance. Data Table Part 1: Isocratic Separation | |Red Dye |Blue Dye | | Run #1 |Run #2 |Run #3 |Run #1 |Run #2 |Run #3 | |Start of Band (mL) | | | | | | | |End of Band (mL) | | | | | | | |W (mL) | | | | | | | |Vrave (mL) | | | | | | | |K’ | | | | | | | Part 2: Step Gradient Separation Beaker |Eluant |Observations | |1 |H2O | | | | | | |2 |5% isopropyl alcohol | | | | | | |3 |28% isopropyl alcohol | | | | | | |4 |70% isopropyl alcohol | | | | | | Calculations Determine the following values and show calculations. Refer to question six in the Pre-Lab Questions. Enter results in the Part 1 data table. 1. Bandwidth W for each dye. 2. Average Retention Volume V Rave for each dye. 3. Capacity Factor k' for each dye. 4. Selectivity alpha for the two dyes with this isocratic separation. 5. Resolution R for the two dyes with this isocratic separation.Post-Lab Questions 1. What is meant by polarity of molecules? What causes differences in polarity? 2. In discussing solubility, the rule â€Å"like dissolves like† is frequently used. What does this mean? 3. Draw the structural formula of isopropyl alcohol. Explain how it differs in polarity from water. 4. For good separation of the dyes, the resolution should be greater than one. What was the value you calculated? Did the two dyes overlap as they emerged from the column, or was the separation a good one? 5. In the step gradient separation, four separate fractions were collected. How were these related to the polarities of the column and of the eluting solvent?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Scot Joplin

Scot Joplin Scot Joplin The historical contributions of african american are an an big part os our culture of our nation .From business to science education and entertainment.American benifited from the african americans.The people who did all of this should be reconized equal to the white man in schools and work places not only set aside for one of the shortest days of the year.[Febuary] Born in Texarkana ,Texas in 1868 scot responsible for introducing "ragtime dance" to the world. Ragtime is variation on classical music. Joplins music did not recieve sucess antil 1970 over 50 years after he died it was used in the movie "STING".Scot was not reconized the time he was living because he was not allowed to perform his music seriously on a real stage performance. He wrote many song ragtime dance and guest of honor. In 1907 he wrote an opera called tremonisha about an non violent girl who recently freed slaves.English: The Ragtime Dance, 1902 Franà §ais : The R...After many years of trying to produ ce this play he died in a state hospital in 1917. He was buried in paupers grave in New York City. He was also awared a special posthumous pulitzer on 1976 after his death. TO end this by saying he was the king of "RAGTIME"

Monday, October 21, 2019

Common Muslim and Arab Stereotypes in TV and Film

Common Muslim and Arab Stereotypes in TV and Film Even before the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Arab-Americans, Middle Easterners, and Muslims faced sweeping cultural and religious stereotypes. Hollywood films and television shows frequently depicted Arabs as villains, if not outright terrorists, and misogynistic brutes with backward and mysterious customs. Hollywood has largely portrayed Arabs as Muslims, overlooking the significant number of Christian Arabs in the United States and the Middle East. The media’s racial stereotyping of Middle Eastern people has allegedly produced unfortunate consequences, including hate crimes, racial profiling, discrimination, and bullying. Arabs in the Desert When Coca-Cola debuted a commercial during Super Bowl 2013 featuring Arabs riding camels in the desert, Arab-American groups werent pleased. This representation is largely outdated, much like Hollywood’s common portrayal of Native Americans as people in loincloths and war paint running through the plains. Camels and the desert can be found in the Middle East, but this portrayal has become stereotypical. In the Coca-Cola commercial, Arabs appear backward as they compete with Vegas showgirls and cowboys using more convenient forms of transportation to reach a giant bottle of Coke in the desert. â€Å"Why is it that Arabs are always shown as either oil-rich sheiks, terrorists, or belly dancers?† asked Warren David, president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, during a Reuters interview about the commercial. Arabs as Villains and Terrorists There is no shortage of Arab villains and terrorists in Hollywood films and television programs. When the blockbuster â€Å"True Lies† debuted in 1994, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a spy for a secret government agency, Arab-American advocacy groups staged protests in major cities, including New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, because the film featured a fictional terrorist group called the â€Å"Crimson Jihad,† whose members, Arab-Americans complained, were portrayed as one-dimensionally sinister and anti-American. Ibrahim Hooper, then a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told The New York Times: â€Å"There is no clear motivation for their planting nuclear weapons. They are irrational, have an intense hatred for everything American, and that’s the stereotype you have for Muslims.† Arabs as Barbaric When Disney released its 1992 film â€Å"Aladdin,† Arab-American groups voiced outrage over the depiction of Arab characters. In the first minute, for example, the theme song declared that Aladdin hailed â€Å"from a faraway place, where the caravan camels roam, where they cut off your ear if they don’t like your face. Its barbaric, but hey, it’s home.† Disney changed the lyrics in the home video release after Arab-American groups blasted the original as stereotypical. But the song wasn’t the only problem advocacy groups had with the film. There was also a scene in which an Arab merchant intended to hack off the hand of a woman for stealing food for her starving child. Arab-American groups also took issue with the rendering of Middle Easterners in the film; many were drawn â€Å"with huge noses and sinister eyes,† The Seattle Times noted in 1993. Charles E. Butterworth, then a visiting professor of Middle East politics at Harvard University, told The Times that Westerners have stereotyped Arabs as barbaric since the Crusades. â€Å"These are the terrible people who captured Jerusalem and who had to be thrown out of the Holy City,† he said, adding that the stereotype seeped into Western culture over centuries and is found in Shakespeares works. Arab Women: Veils, Hijabs, and Belly Dancers Hollywood also has represented Arab women narrowly. For decades, women of Middle Eastern descent have been portrayed as scantily clad belly dancers and harem girls or as silent women shrouded in veils, similar to how Hollywood has portrayed Native American women as Indian princesses or squaws. The belly dancer and veiled female sexualize Arab women, according to the website Arab Stereotypes: â€Å"Veiled women and belly dancers are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, belly dancers code Arab culture as exotic and sexually available. ... On the other hand, the veil has figured both as a site of intrigue and as the ultimate symbol of oppression.† Films such as Aladdin (2019), â€Å"Arabian Nights† (1942), and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1944) are among a host of movies featuring Arab women as veiled dancers. Arabs as Muslims and Foreigners The media nearly always portray Arabs and Arab-Americans as Muslims, although most Arab-Americans identify as Christian and just 12 percent of the world’s Muslims are Arabs, according to PBS. In addition to being sweepingly identified as Muslims in film and television, Arabs are often presented as foreigners. The 2000 census (the latest for which data on the Arab-American population is available) found that nearly half of Arab-Americans were born in the U.S. and 75 percent speak English well, but Hollywood repeatedly portrays Arabs as heavily accented foreigners with strange customs. When not terrorists, Arab characters in films and television often are oil sheiks. Portrayals of Arabs born in the United States and working in mainstream professions, such as banking or teaching, remain rare. Resources and Further Reading: â€Å"Arab-Americans Protest True Lies.† New York Times, 16 July 1994. Scheinin, Richard. â€Å"‘Aladdin’ Politically Correct? Arabs, Muslims Say No Way ⠁  - Criticisms That Kid Movie Is Racist Takes Disney by Surprise.† Entertainment the Arts, Seattle Times, 14 Feb. 1994, 12:00 a.m. â€Å"Veils, Harems Belly Dancers.† Reclaiming Our Identity: Dismantling Arab Stereotypes, Arab American National Museum, 2011.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Avoiding Stereotypes in Writing

Avoiding Stereotypes in Writing Avoiding Stereotypes in Writing Avoiding Stereotypes in Writing By Catherine Osborn It is easy to fall into the trap of using language that can be construed as racist or sexist. Here are a few tips to stay away from this type of writing. Avoid sexist language. When you know your audience varies, stay away from words that are gender specific. Use â€Å"their† instead of â€Å"his† or â€Å"anyone† instead of â€Å"a man†. You’d be surprised how many people take these sorts of things the wrong way. Avoid ethnic and racial stereotypes. You can be accurate without being biased. For example, it could be considered impolite to say Oriental; you should say Asian or better yet, the specific country such as Japanese, Korean, etc†¦. Be careful not to let religious stereotypes creep into your writing. Such as referring to a banker as Jewish, of course. This is too biased. Biases against age and sexual orientation are also frowned upon. In all these cases, it is best to well, use your best judgment. Avoid political bias and stereotypes in case you want your audienceTo read your content under a neutral point of view. This is especially important in business writing contexts. Research your facts and dont include statements you believe to be true just because the majority of people also believe so. Remember that people in different regions or countries might have a different understanding regarding what is considered sexiest or racist. When in doubt, scratch that. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:8 Proofreading Tips And TechniquesHow Verbs Become Adjectives

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Is capital punishment still a relevant form of punishment in today's Essay

Is capital punishment still a relevant form of punishment in today's society - Essay Example By contrast, the abolitionists see the impact of executions as a statement of pervasive importance about the relationship between the government and the individual. (James, 33-40) Abolitionists in the United States view capital punishment as a fundamental political issue; proponents usually assert that the question is neither fundamental nor political. As far as the question of relevance of capital punishment still as a form of punishment in today's society is concerned, it is simply refutable. Though there are many people who support capital punishment, yet they are few and they have not strong justifications to present in its favor. On the other hand, the civilized world has a firm stand and argumentative rebuttal of capital punishment in the contemporary era. While this is just one way in which the disputants talk past each other in the capital punishment debate, this particular disagreement helps to explain other aspects of the capital punishment dispute. ... National government and constitutional values have little direct influence on most punishment decisions. If the availability of death as a criminal punishment were a garden-variety choice of punishment option, state and local power over them would be consistent with an important American tradition. If, on the other hand, one regards capital punishment as a fundamental moral and political question, the national government and constitutional values are the appropriate vehicles for decisions. (Jan, 110-12) The Flaws in Implementation of Capital Punishment The proper way of characterizing the capital punishment may be an important question but it is not a difficult one. Our history, the recent history of other developed nations, and even the importance that the proponents of the penalty attach to it are powerful evidence that the capital punishment is an issue of transcendent importance, one that is principally moral and political. (Zimring, 78-82) There are certain reservations from some corners of public discussions as regards to the unreliable evidences that caused capital punishment but consequently proved false. It is hard to believe how prosecutors can admit evidence from unreliable sources. In some cases witnesses have later recanted or disavowed their testimonies claiming that they had only made their statements under pressure or coercion from prosecution and law enforcement. These false testimonies proved to be the condemning evidence in many cases. Lastly, most of the people charged in capital cases cannot afford defense attorneys. The appointed defense counsels in several cases have exhibited incompetence. Some of them did not even look for or missed important evidence that proved the innocence of their clients.

Friday, October 18, 2019

STRATEGIC ANALYSIS assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

STRATEGIC ANALYSIS - Assignment Example Though the amount posted by Dollar General for the merger was far better, the lack of compliance on the company’s part saw the deal being snatched away from the palm of their hands by Dollar Tree. The major requirement for the Dollar General- Family Dollar merger to come to fruition was that the former should sell at least 3500 overlapping stores as this would pose a problem with antitrust regulators. Dollar General was reluctant as the number was too high for it to divest. Family Dollar and Dollar Tree merger will be forced to part ways with 300 stores only. Therefore, the shareholders made a plausible choice by voting for Dollar Tree despite a lower initial amount that the company brought forth. Dollar General’s inability to divest more than 3500 stores meant that the merger would have faced problems with the antitrust regulators. Furthermore, the number of stores that were to be divested in the Dollar General- Family Dollar merger was very high and would cost the shareholders millions of dollars. On the other hand, Dollar Tree- Family Dollar merger would lead to loss of 300 stores that can be easily recovered in the near future. Merced, Michael. Family Dollar Shareholders Approve $8.5 Billion Deal with Dollar Tree. The New York Times, Jan. 22, 2015. Web. Feb. 7, 2015.

Joint replenishment inventory (Can-order replenishment system) Thesis

Joint replenishment inventory (Can-order replenishment system) - Thesis Example Method Used: In the provided article of Silver (1981), different systems rather than methods have been widely utilised for the purpose of lessening setup expenses incurred based on per unit time. In precise, for keeping a greater control of costs associated with replenishment in the form of decreasing the same, the author Silver (1981) considered a definite control system, which was denoted as (S,c,s) system. Apart from this, another system i.e. Compound Poisson Demand was also being used for the fulfilment of the above stated objective. Based on the article of Silver (1981), it can be found that in consideration of the above discussed two particular methods were able to fulfil the stated objective, which is discussed in the section below. Results and Conclusion: While explaining the results and drawing a suitable conclusion about how the selected control systems such as Compound Poisson Model and (S,c,s) mechanism had attained success in lessening the setup replenishment costs, it will be vital to mention that utmost focus was laid upon inventory levels. In this regard, according to the article of Silver (1981), the control system i.e. (S,c,s) mechanism was used wherein distinct inventory levels were reviewed incessantly with determining the persistent inventory positions. On the other hand, the Poisson Model was executed to enlarge the probability allocation of entire demand of a particular item, which occurs during the interval of replenishment lead time. In terms of results, the article of Silver (1981) revealed that execution of (S,c,s) mechanism is capable to diminish the setup replenishment costs by checking the execution times and developing computerised routines with satisfying specified service constraints. Thus, in conclusion, it can be affirmed that the concepts including lead time and inventory levels affect the replenishment costs to be increased or reduced by a considerable

Strategic Management of publically lisied company Essay

Strategic Management of publically lisied company - Essay Example The objective of the study is to measure Apple Inc’s current challenges and their strategies to cope up with them. Strategic analysis is the method of conducting research on a company’s internal and external business environment in which it operates, in order to formulate a suitable strategy (Rigby, 2001). There are a number of tools of strategic analysis such as PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, Porters five forces, Value chain analysis which will be described in details in context of Apple Corporation. Additionally, strategic planning involves defining the company’s mission, goals and objectives which initiates effective strategy formulation (Luo, 2008). Also, the viability of Apple Inc’s current strategy and recommended strategies depending on its business environment will be evaluated in details through this study. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities and provides a view of a company’s current and could-be position. SWOT analysis is conducted to evaluate Apple Inc’s current position and strategies with respect to its internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) environment (Cravens, Piercy & Baldauf, 2009). PEST stands for political, economic, social and technological factors which are macro-environmental factors that affect the decision making and strategy formulation of an organization (Cravens, Piercy & Baldauf, 2009). In case of Apple Inc., this analysis will help to analyze the current and projected position of the company. Political factors- In the recent years, 52% of Apples sales were outside America and it also manufactures many of its goods outside the country (Barney, 2001). Political conflicts in any of the countries such as China, Korea and Ireland in which it operates will have terrible effects on the business of Apple Inc. Economic factors- The economic depression can result to a wide

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Audit on an organisation of your choice Assignment

Audit on an organisation of your choice - Assignment Example With the help of audit, Aviation Company can implement a proper strategy of safety management to ensure safety of passengers. It encourages cooperation based partnership, which is actually helpful for analysing requirements and developing long term strategy for quality management. With regard to the process of audit, Air Arabia can identify various positive attributes (Alzaman, & Chikhalsouk, 2013). Through this audit report, Air Arabia’s situation analysis with the help of its goal, vision, competitor analysis can be comprehended along with determining the proper concept of marketing segmentation, target orientation and successful positioning, marketing objectives of aviation and how it affects firm strategy. A brief analysis of marketing mix in airline industry of Middle-East is also evaluated in the report. Success of every organisation depends on its activities therefore, it is vital for the managers to collect data and analyse the environment to gain better idea about its future actions. It is vital to understand the goal of an organisation for its sustainability. Air Arabia’s vision is â€Å"to be one of the World’s leading budget airlines† with the help of operational excellence, profit margin, reputation and innovation (Air Arabia Annual Report, 2013). The company has a strong mission statement to revolutionise the business with the help of innovative ideas such as offering outstanding value for money and consistent operation. For achieving the mission, Air Arabia has set some goals, to expand its business with profitability. However, in order to attain its goals Air Arabia will offer low cost facilities, control costs ruthlessly, build motivated multifunctional terms and demonstrate operational standards (Air Arabia Annual Report, 2013). In this context, the company needs to achieve its mission and vision and earn profitability. Middle East area is regarded as the most vibrant region in the airline industry. It has

Hammurabi Code Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hammurabi Code - Essay Example Societies in which women were subjugated will typically show numerous laws protecting the rights and advantages of men, but will prevent women from gaining any power of their own. In these types of societies, women are forced to depend upon the men in their lives to provide them with the basic necessities for life because they are unable to own anything, inherit anything or make any of their own decisions. Although it is easy to assume that women have always suffered a subjugated role in all societies from the beginning of civilization, surviving records from several ancient societies reveal that women are only just now surpassing the freedoms afforded them centuries ago. One of the earliest systems of laws recorded is the codified legal system of King Hammurabi (1795-1750 B.C.), the ruler of the earliest known major city. Marriage laws within this code are very specific regarding the rights of the woman being almost equal to the rights of the man. For example, the bride’s family had to agree to the marriage by accepting the bride-price from the groom’s family. That the girl was a valued member of society is indicated in that this bride-price, along with a dowry provided by her family, went with her into her new marriage and remained her property for life. â€Å"If a man wish to separate from a woman who has borne him children, or from his wife who has borne him children: then he shall give that wife her dowry, and a part of the usufruct of field, garden, and property, so that she can rear her children.† Underscoring the value of the bride to her family is the idea that the bride is always a member of her father’s house, r egardless of to whom or how long she has been married and her honor is strongly protected regardless of her position in the family. â€Å"If a man be guilty of incest with his daughter, he shall be driven from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Audit on an organisation of your choice Assignment

Audit on an organisation of your choice - Assignment Example With the help of audit, Aviation Company can implement a proper strategy of safety management to ensure safety of passengers. It encourages cooperation based partnership, which is actually helpful for analysing requirements and developing long term strategy for quality management. With regard to the process of audit, Air Arabia can identify various positive attributes (Alzaman, & Chikhalsouk, 2013). Through this audit report, Air Arabia’s situation analysis with the help of its goal, vision, competitor analysis can be comprehended along with determining the proper concept of marketing segmentation, target orientation and successful positioning, marketing objectives of aviation and how it affects firm strategy. A brief analysis of marketing mix in airline industry of Middle-East is also evaluated in the report. Success of every organisation depends on its activities therefore, it is vital for the managers to collect data and analyse the environment to gain better idea about its future actions. It is vital to understand the goal of an organisation for its sustainability. Air Arabia’s vision is â€Å"to be one of the World’s leading budget airlines† with the help of operational excellence, profit margin, reputation and innovation (Air Arabia Annual Report, 2013). The company has a strong mission statement to revolutionise the business with the help of innovative ideas such as offering outstanding value for money and consistent operation. For achieving the mission, Air Arabia has set some goals, to expand its business with profitability. However, in order to attain its goals Air Arabia will offer low cost facilities, control costs ruthlessly, build motivated multifunctional terms and demonstrate operational standards (Air Arabia Annual Report, 2013). In this context, the company needs to achieve its mission and vision and earn profitability. Middle East area is regarded as the most vibrant region in the airline industry. It has

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Finance Week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Finance Week 6 - Essay Example Debt financing should be monitored closely to ensure that the company’s debt obligations do not adversely affect the cash flow position of the organization. The use of financial metrics such as the current ratio can help managers monitor their debt position. The current ratio can be used to determine whether a company is in a good position to pay off its short term debt (Besley & Brigham, 2000). The sole use of equity financing affects the weighted average cost of capital composition. A lack of debt implies that 100% of the firm’s financing was achieved through the sale of common and preferred stocks. The free cash flow return on assets of a company is better whenever a company does not have to make monthly payments of principal and interest on debt. 3. The majority of business owners the Instructor has met do not use any long-term financial planning process for their company. What would you say are the pros and cons of developing and using long-term financial plans for a company? Developing and using a long-term financial plan is critical towards the success of a company. It is not wise to use equity financing as the sole instrument to raise money because issuing too many common stocks dilute its value and it lowers the power of the owners. One of the advantages of the use of debt financing is that it does not give the lender any power over the operations of the company. A con of debt financing is that it imposes a fixed obligation that adversely affects the cash flow of the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Newspaper Synopsis Architect System

Newspaper Synopsis Architect System B. Brief description on project background. (.i.e. problem context, rationale, description of problem area, nature of challenge) Newspaper plays a major role in shaping public opinion during any incident. Newspaper provides information on politics, economics, art, culture and entertainment and in the current panorama of the media every newspaper organization is representing all significant news with a Graphical Synopsis, as it increase the readership of the newspaper organization and for doing so every time newspaper organization has to contact the graphical designer and they take a huge amount of money for creating the synopsis which bounds the newspaper organization and ultimately it results in the waste of resources for the newspaper organization. Moreover, Newspaper design is well known as a key factor in readership. Every article in the newspaper must be properly expressed and placed to give reader the joy of logical comprehension. The current era bursting with superior newspaper organizations facing each other and also with the potential readers with broad mind and great thoughts giving challenge to thos e organizations through their hunger to gain knowledge with demanding good presentation of the information. The presentation of the newspaper is very artistic job as it can burn up the minds of the crowd. The job in the current scenario is very complicated and essential. The designing procedure of any news paper is very hectic and time consuming job. Right from deciding the content of each page to the printing there is a huge labor and man power involved. The persons involved in designing procedure need to be taken care as they have a lot load and decisions to make about many things before publishing the news. The problem context above requires an integrated tool which can help the newspaper organization in generatin Graphical Scenes without including the graphical designers by utilizing resources inside the organization which will save there time and money. The tool will help in many ways and could turn out to be a revelation for the organizations and also for the employees. This is the core Information Technology task to transform the complicated work in to a simpler job and for pursuing this task I am proposing the newspaper designing tool Newspaper Synopsis Architect System. The tool is a complete package to assist newspaper designers in efficiently performing their job. Rationale: Because of the existence of the identified problems, there is a serious need for creating such a tool. BasicallyNewspaper Synopsis Architect System will be having two major modules. First one will be Synopsis Architect System which has library that will contain already designed graphics/scenarios based upon the crime which can be edited by the designer person such as a terrorist attack, a murder, a bank robbery, bomb blast, any type of serious accidents, etc. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System will be used to create graphical scenarios for such incidents. Moreover, there will be tools available like color picker, color fill, different shapes, adding text, adding picture, adding lines etc. that will help the person to edit and design the crime scenario/cartoons etc The second module of the system is Newspaper Architect System which will assemble the news and articles and help the news paper designers to generate the prototype ready to publish. The software would generate the prototype of the news paper and any computer literate can use the software to just fill in the news by browsing the contents. The designer can fill in the details as per the appropriate sections available within the software such as the front page, editorial page, sports page etc. The designer would also have the option to set priority to the news i.e. what will be the main headlines, which news is not of much importance etc. All the sections of the prototype will be editable providing the designer with the option of changing the priority and position of a particular headline anytime he/she wants thus making the software very flexible to use. The prototype generated will also have the option to include various advertisements. The positioning of the advertisement would be done by the tool itself based on the size and the news associated with it. There will also be an option to edit the visibility of the advertisement i.e. which advertisement must be highly visible so as to be placed as a header etc. The most distinct feature of the tool would be the use of templates. There will be ready made templates available within the software for special occasions like Hariraya, Diwali, Christmas, and Chinese New Year etc. The user will just have to choose a template from a list, fill in the details and the paper would be generated. The benefits gained from this project are: Tangible benefits: Newspaper organization will be able to create scenarios for all kind of incidents without any extra efforts. Role of the graphical designer becomes almost zero as anyone from the organization after a short training can use the tool and can create the scene very easily. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System Saves the resources of the organization in terms of time and money and effective use of the resources present in the organization It is a packaged integrated tool which can do the task of many different tools. The designer can also edit the previously saved scenarios and can save the scenario in various file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc. This tool offers flexibility and extendibility- user build the scenario by selecting those templates that are relevant to their disciplines. The newspaper organizations would have the opportunity to generate the user acceptable designs to represent the news without wasting much resources and efforts. The placement of the news articles can be decided very easily as a simulated blank newspaper will be present for developing the design. The tool going to be developed will be very flexible, it will allow users to make the changes in the final design; users can add some important news by deleting or shifting some non essential news etc. The generated designs can be uploaded on the server to circulate among the organizations different departments and also on the website to launch an E-paper which exactly simulates the original newspaper for the internet readers and ultimately increasing the number of readers. The proposed system would be a tool to assist the design editors and subordinates to make their job simpler and effective and ultimately increasing the level of output for the organization. Provide templates that incorporate effective instructional strategies. Intangible benefits: The newspaper organizations using the tool obviously on better edge as compare to their competitors still doing the manual labor. The designs can be made one day advance and organizations can check out the feedback prior to publishing. Description of Problem Area: The major problems Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is going to address are: Newspaper provide information on politics, economics, art, culture and entertainment with a pictorial representation but in some cases it is not possible for them to arrange original photographs for some incidents which occurs at very remote places or the incident such as a terrorist attack, a murder, a bank robbery, bomb blast, any type of serious accidents, etc. Generally newspaper organization hires graphic designers for creating the graphical scenario which is the only choice for the newspaper persons for making the graphical scenario. The graphic designers take huge amount for creating the graphical scenario and also consume much time for creating a single scenario as they use different multimedia tools. For creating a single scene different tools are required such as for making the graphics CorelDraw is used then for giving effects in that graphics and producing backgrounds Photoshop is used. Previously created scenario cannot be reused as it cannot be edited. The Newspaper Synopsis Architect System will be the tool for making the newspapers; thus it needs to be full with all possible article designs (article templates). The Newspaper Synopsis Architect System will need to be complete in itself thus it need a very thorough understanding of the procedure of the news paper publication and also a good technical knowledge. To maintain the flexibility of the system it needs a proper guidance as news publication job and paper designing job is not much known to a non media person. The need is to create a suitable structure comprising of the appropriate components for making a good system. The framework is crucial as it could be used for different publications and brands as per the respective environments. The establishment of the framework will require in-depth understanding of some of the theories or concepts manifested in some technologies. For example theories of providing template require technologies such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) and its associated algorithms are essential to ensure highly reliable software. The current process of creating the scenarios is not so flexible. Target Audiences User is one of the main concerns on how and why a system is been developed, for this current system, the target users have been categorized into two types: The software is mainly focusing on the organization engaged in printing and publishing the news paper. It can also be used by organizations publishing monthly or yearly newsletters. Moreover it is introduced for the newspaper media persons for creating graphical synopsis for different types of incidents and also for creating cartoons required in there newspaper or magazines. On the other hand, the tool could also be used by general computer user for creating the scenario of any type of incident. Nature of challenge Newspaper Synopsis Architect System has challenges in all sorts of categories. The primary challenge is to propose an integrated system for creating Graphical scenarios for various incidents. Since the tool is the very first of its type, so making it very user friendly, interactive and attractive is also one of the challenges. The next developmental challenge is creating a major generalized library that will contain many types of graphics that will be suitable for creating graphical scenarios for any kind of incident. Giving various editable options to the graphics and representing the graphics in such a way that it will give the realistic view of the incident is another challenge. The challenge is to prove Individual templates for different type of typical scenario and for generating prototype, allowing the user to easily incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as graphics, interactive questions, etc. The next challenge in building this system is to replace the conventional designing procedure which will employ better technologies to improve on the features of existing system of news paper designing. Providing a better system for complete prototyping before publishing, thorough research is needed. The challenge is to make an efficient algorithm for better utilization of the space available. Since the domain of the project is very new to me as all the procedures inside the newspaper organization is considered confidential and I need to learn about it before starting or even thinking about the technical aspects. C. Brief description of project objectives. (i.e. scope of proposal and deliverables) Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is a newspaper designing and content management tool and it is ought to wrap the trouble areas that I have opened in the preceding section. The system is being shaped to offer the newspaper producers with the glowing layout and integrated information so as to permit them to obtain proper output. Moreover the system can help in increasing the qualities of the product for the graphical designer, newspaper manufacturers and ultimately get the organization benefited. At the end of the project the deliverables are: Soft cover documentation of the system Hard cover documentation of the system A prototype of the system application on CD The Core Main Functionality of the system The main objective is to make full use of the resources and tools available, in order to come up with All-in-one scenario creator tool that meets the user or clients requirements and which is user friendly, interactive and attractive and gives graphical representations of information or Knowledge. To develop graphing software which represents the information in the form of lines, boxes, arrows, and various symbols and representing a concept, objects, activity, place or event by illustration. Tool that allows the user to create graphical synopsis which are used anywhere where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as signs, maps, journalism and education and also used to show graphical scenario of the weather, as well as maps and site plans for newsworthy events, and graphs for statistical data. Individual templates need to be designed for different type of typical scenario and the template that allow the user to easily incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as graphics, interactive questions, etc. the user would select the templates that apply to their discipline or particular case, and use them as building blocks to create an entire scenario. Instructional guidelines on how to develop the scenarios using the input tool and templates. The core idea is to build completely utilization of the assets and tools accessible, in order to approach a complete newspaper designing tool that assembles the user or clients necessities and also supplies a user friendly, interactive and attractive representation of information or Knowledge. To develop designing software that characterizes the information in the form which readers actually require. To make a software gadget that permits the newspaper designers to generate newspaper prototype ready to publish and also increasing the quality of journalism and education. Individual templates need to be designed for different type of news articles and the template that allow the client to effortlessly incorporate a variety of elements such as providing coloring, interactive data representation feature, etc. the designers just need to pick the templates that pertain to their discipline or choice, and use them as building blocks to create an entire prototype for the newspaper. To guide the designers on how to develop the newspaper prototype using the input tool, templates with applying the experts knowledge. Core functionalities included in the Newspaper Synopsis Architect System: Synopsis Architect System: Templates: This part of the system includes various types of Individual templates with different categories for creating different type of typical scenario and also include sample scenario of each category. Template Categories:- Crime Scenarios Terrorist attack Murders Bank robbery Bomb blast Hijack Accidents Entertainment Comics General Scenarios 3. Inbuilt library:- This part of the system includes a library that contains collection of stencils and different stencils include various graphics related to the incidents that generally occur in our day to day life. 4. Search Shapes: Search option provides powerful search capabilities to locate the right shape, located in the library. 5. Graphic Editing: User can edit the graphics as per his or her requirements with the editing options such as rotation handles for rotating the graphics, Selection handles for resizing graphics(can be resize to any extent), etc. 6. Add text to graphics: Although some drawings make a point all by themselves, its often helpful and sometimes necessary to add text to the shapes. Text can be added and related to the shapes easily. Newspaper Architect System: 7. Article Templates: This part of the system comprises a range of category in arranging articles of the news with particular template providing sample of each type. Example Article Template Categories:- Single column news with space for graphics space for picture Multiple column news with space for graphics space for picture space at left space at centre etc News with special watermarks 8. Toolbox: It will Includes various design generation tools like tables, color picker, different geometrical shapes, etc. that makes easy to design the newspaper that fulfills the user presentation and documents. 9. Image Generation: the prototype of the newspaper that will be designed by the designers will be saved as image format. FAQ and Help A long list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the tool will be available for the both major module. A help file system is also included in case the user has problems using the system. Enhanced functions- Additional Features Synopsis Architect System: Making own library: User has the option to create their own library and can save the graphics created by them in the library and can also import images from outside into their library and can use the images while creating the scenario. File formats: Allows saving the scenario in different file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc. Grid size and ruler measurements: Scale measurement is provided for scenario the scenario creation. Privacy: The system will provide a privacy option where the user can secure the scenario created by him/her, so that no other person can edit the scenario without the permission of the scenario creator owner. Sample Scenarios: Provides sample scenarios that are integrated with data to get ideas for creating your own scenarios, to realize how data provides more context for many diagram types, and to determine which template the user want to use. Sample video clips: User will be provided with sample video clips of how to design a scenario so that it becomes simpler for first time user for creating a scenario. Newspaper Architect System: The Tool would be a completely generalized one where all the functionalities will be according to the needs and environment of the organizations. Inbuilt library of Prototypes: This part of the system includes a library that contains collection of different generalized prototypes for the newspaper includes a variety of sample news articles placed at appropriate place. Special Features-Advanced Features: Synopsis Architect System: Toolbox Module: Includes various drawing tools like pencil, color picker, color fill, different shapes, etc. that makes easy to design new graphics that match the user presentation and documents. Email: Provides the facility of emailing the scenario directly. Customizability The system will enable a certain level of customizability, for example, while writing the text in the scenario, user can choose English (Malay alphabets included), Chinese, Tamil and Hindi as per requirement. Newspaper Architect System: The Newspaper Architect System would offer for the backup of the server data so that the collated data can be used in future and also this would help in building tenable software. The companies can amalgamate their own prototype of the newspaper from the available options and can save it for regular use. The designers would be able to upload the common pages of the generated prototype of the newspaper on the web server so as it can be distributed to the different branches of the news publications easily. It will be very flexible system as it provides the option to edit the generated prototypes and customize as per the need. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is thought to be a generalized software tool and to permit maximum customization of the features according to the needs of the newspaper organizations need is the main objective of the system. Limitations of the scope: For this Synopsis Architect System tool, parameters are set to limit the scope of the project only for the solutions and functions mentioned above, in other words, functions which are not listed above will not be implemented or included in the system, it is to be reminded that these possible features or functions will also not be included in the system as well: System is not platform independent, as I am choosing .Net as the programming language for my system so it can be run only on the system with windows as the operating system. Newspaper Architect System is a newspaper designing tool and the libraries of templates I will create not necessarily considered to be complete as the articles of the newspaper are very much dynamic in nature. Newspaper Architect System is just a designing assistance tool and it wont be able to create the prototypes dynamically; it needs someone to use it and integrate his human knowledge with its theory based principles of designing. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is thought to be a software system of its own and when the tool would be used by the organizations there would be no means to assimilate the system with any other system being utilized by the organization. Though, the newspapers organizations can have their own software or system to use the composed designs for other applications. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System wont supply for this requirement. Other learning objectives: Synopsis Architect System is the very first of its type, so by doing this project I will have to research for various other graphic designing related domains and doing this would be a benefit for me in the future. Till now I was just using the various designing tools but now my task is to develop a tool that should be user friendly, interactive and attractive and that will be a great opportunity and a good learning experience for me. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System encompasses a distinctive sphere i.e. News Presentation and Publication; by doing this project I will have to explore for this sphere and this would supply me a prospect to discover and investigate the Publication Medias news representation policies and this would be an advantage for me in the future. Developing library based systems is not new to me but bearing in mind the generalization need of the system, I will have an occasion to discover the issues permitting me to explore the potential of this area. The tool being projected is to have a bunch of features of a variety of classes such as templates and various color schemes, default prototypes and so on. To incorporate these features together into a system is going to be a good learning experience. I believe that this project could be built with the .net framework and to learn and tap the vast prospective of this expertise would compose me more rationalized and resourceful professional. D. Brief description of the resources needed by the proposal.(i.e. hardware, software, access to information / expertise, user involvement etc.) Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is being anticipated as a Library based system and in addition its domain is practically distinctive and dissimilar for a computer science student and thus I would require a lot of study and understand the domain. For the development of this tool I will need to meet people from a variety of backgrounds and fields. The planned system is paying attention on the implementation of IT to reduce the job complexity of the printing media and thus I require to have a comprehensible perceptive of both the fields. In order to understand the graphical designing, printing policies and principles of the media, I am planning to interrogate the news editors and designers. These interviews would be paying attention at discovering how IT can be used to assist the experienced design editors talent and moreover how can I reduce the complexity with enumerating the job efficiency with accuracy and precision. To recognize the potential and the expectations of the educational institute from the proposed system, I am planning to interview some of the students and lecturers involved in publication of the college news letter. I would like to discover suitable information via the data gathering techniques such as questionnaire and Interview. Hardware Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack (SP) 2 or later or Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (or higher) required 500 megahertz (MHz) processor or higher 512 megabyte (MB) RAM or higher CD-ROM: 52X CD-Rewritable drive DVD-ROM: 8X DVD drive Minimum 800600; 1024768 monitor resolution or higher recommended Keyboard and Mouse Software Requirements: In order to carry out the development of this project, many software are needed, these include Microsoft Windows XP, which shall be the operating system for the project to be developed; authoring tools such as Adobe Photoshop, visual 2005 and Macromedia Flash will also be needed in order to come up with the interactive user interface and objects. List of software required for the project: Net framework visual 2005 crystal reports(built in with visual 2005) CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) OS-Microsoft Windows XP professional. Microsoft Expression studio. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Macromedia Flash 8.0 Corel Draw 11 Access to Information and Expertise Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is the very first of its type, so for developing it I need to do a lot of research. In order to gather the sufficient and necessary information prior to the project, some resources will be needed, these resources may be people from different backgrounds, or reference books. In terms of gathering information from people and expertise of that particular area, face to face interviews and questionnaires are both sufficient methods. Because of that, certain people to be interviewed are: Lecturers Lecturers obtain deeper understanding towards specific technical areas in terms of computing or design, interviewing specific lecturers who specialize in specific areas can be beneficial to the project. Media persons: Since the project is mainly developed for the newspaper persons, so a face to face interview with the newspaper persons who are concern with the graphic designing and printing publication in the organization would also provide me a better insight of the of the requirements for this tool and also gather more detailed information. User Involvement User involvement is the key concept in the development of useful and usable systems and has positive effects on system success and user satisfaction. To reduce the software project failure user involvement is must. The users involved are also the one that test the system, and gives evaluations. Following are the users involved: Supervisor Media persons Graphic designers Printing Publication persons Lecturers Friends or Course mates The other information or the data sets required: The industry principles are to be identified in advance to build up the application according to the standards for the designing of the newspaper. But I am not up to snuff to do so the application would fail in various environments which are definitely disagreeable. The different cyber regulations and commitments are to be recognized as the system has to deal with the newspaper presentation for the crowd so a dignity should be maintained. For the organizations whose staff I would interrogate, I would oblige their current designing techniques and formula and I may and may not use them for my project. E. Academic research being carried out and other information, techniques being learnt.(i.e. what are the names of books you are going to read / data sets you are going to use) In concerning about Newspaper Synopsis Architect System, research is much important for the system and thorough the research is, more are the probability of development of a practical and satisfactory application. The project has diversity of supplies and I would need support on various topics and from all kinds of the resources. I have to comprehend and discover the newspaper designing policies for enhanced understanding of the project. I necessitate gaining knowledge of the project management and software engineering techniques for supervision and construction the project in a accurate and corrective manner. I too have to discover the concepts and principles of the engineering. After having established what I need to know by defining the scope of what I need to find out and my research plan by determining how I can get the information, I must conduct my research now. Academic Research: The project requires a good understanding of the graphics designing and generating prototyping as the system contains an inbuilt library which will be th Newspaper Synopsis Architect System Newspaper Synopsis Architect System B. Brief description on project background. (.i.e. problem context, rationale, description of problem area, nature of challenge) Newspaper plays a major role in shaping public opinion during any incident. Newspaper provides information on politics, economics, art, culture and entertainment and in the current panorama of the media every newspaper organization is representing all significant news with a Graphical Synopsis, as it increase the readership of the newspaper organization and for doing so every time newspaper organization has to contact the graphical designer and they take a huge amount of money for creating the synopsis which bounds the newspaper organization and ultimately it results in the waste of resources for the newspaper organization. Moreover, Newspaper design is well known as a key factor in readership. Every article in the newspaper must be properly expressed and placed to give reader the joy of logical comprehension. The current era bursting with superior newspaper organizations facing each other and also with the potential readers with broad mind and great thoughts giving challenge to thos e organizations through their hunger to gain knowledge with demanding good presentation of the information. The presentation of the newspaper is very artistic job as it can burn up the minds of the crowd. The job in the current scenario is very complicated and essential. The designing procedure of any news paper is very hectic and time consuming job. Right from deciding the content of each page to the printing there is a huge labor and man power involved. The persons involved in designing procedure need to be taken care as they have a lot load and decisions to make about many things before publishing the news. The problem context above requires an integrated tool which can help the newspaper organization in generatin Graphical Scenes without including the graphical designers by utilizing resources inside the organization which will save there time and money. The tool will help in many ways and could turn out to be a revelation for the organizations and also for the employees. This is the core Information Technology task to transform the complicated work in to a simpler job and for pursuing this task I am proposing the newspaper designing tool Newspaper Synopsis Architect System. The tool is a complete package to assist newspaper designers in efficiently performing their job. Rationale: Because of the existence of the identified problems, there is a serious need for creating such a tool. BasicallyNewspaper Synopsis Architect System will be having two major modules. First one will be Synopsis Architect System which has library that will contain already designed graphics/scenarios based upon the crime which can be edited by the designer person such as a terrorist attack, a murder, a bank robbery, bomb blast, any type of serious accidents, etc. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System will be used to create graphical scenarios for such incidents. Moreover, there will be tools available like color picker, color fill, different shapes, adding text, adding picture, adding lines etc. that will help the person to edit and design the crime scenario/cartoons etc The second module of the system is Newspaper Architect System which will assemble the news and articles and help the news paper designers to generate the prototype ready to publish. The software would generate the prototype of the news paper and any computer literate can use the software to just fill in the news by browsing the contents. The designer can fill in the details as per the appropriate sections available within the software such as the front page, editorial page, sports page etc. The designer would also have the option to set priority to the news i.e. what will be the main headlines, which news is not of much importance etc. All the sections of the prototype will be editable providing the designer with the option of changing the priority and position of a particular headline anytime he/she wants thus making the software very flexible to use. The prototype generated will also have the option to include various advertisements. The positioning of the advertisement would be done by the tool itself based on the size and the news associated with it. There will also be an option to edit the visibility of the advertisement i.e. which advertisement must be highly visible so as to be placed as a header etc. The most distinct feature of the tool would be the use of templates. There will be ready made templates available within the software for special occasions like Hariraya, Diwali, Christmas, and Chinese New Year etc. The user will just have to choose a template from a list, fill in the details and the paper would be generated. The benefits gained from this project are: Tangible benefits: Newspaper organization will be able to create scenarios for all kind of incidents without any extra efforts. Role of the graphical designer becomes almost zero as anyone from the organization after a short training can use the tool and can create the scene very easily. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System Saves the resources of the organization in terms of time and money and effective use of the resources present in the organization It is a packaged integrated tool which can do the task of many different tools. The designer can also edit the previously saved scenarios and can save the scenario in various file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc. This tool offers flexibility and extendibility- user build the scenario by selecting those templates that are relevant to their disciplines. The newspaper organizations would have the opportunity to generate the user acceptable designs to represent the news without wasting much resources and efforts. The placement of the news articles can be decided very easily as a simulated blank newspaper will be present for developing the design. The tool going to be developed will be very flexible, it will allow users to make the changes in the final design; users can add some important news by deleting or shifting some non essential news etc. The generated designs can be uploaded on the server to circulate among the organizations different departments and also on the website to launch an E-paper which exactly simulates the original newspaper for the internet readers and ultimately increasing the number of readers. The proposed system would be a tool to assist the design editors and subordinates to make their job simpler and effective and ultimately increasing the level of output for the organization. Provide templates that incorporate effective instructional strategies. Intangible benefits: The newspaper organizations using the tool obviously on better edge as compare to their competitors still doing the manual labor. The designs can be made one day advance and organizations can check out the feedback prior to publishing. Description of Problem Area: The major problems Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is going to address are: Newspaper provide information on politics, economics, art, culture and entertainment with a pictorial representation but in some cases it is not possible for them to arrange original photographs for some incidents which occurs at very remote places or the incident such as a terrorist attack, a murder, a bank robbery, bomb blast, any type of serious accidents, etc. Generally newspaper organization hires graphic designers for creating the graphical scenario which is the only choice for the newspaper persons for making the graphical scenario. The graphic designers take huge amount for creating the graphical scenario and also consume much time for creating a single scenario as they use different multimedia tools. For creating a single scene different tools are required such as for making the graphics CorelDraw is used then for giving effects in that graphics and producing backgrounds Photoshop is used. Previously created scenario cannot be reused as it cannot be edited. The Newspaper Synopsis Architect System will be the tool for making the newspapers; thus it needs to be full with all possible article designs (article templates). The Newspaper Synopsis Architect System will need to be complete in itself thus it need a very thorough understanding of the procedure of the news paper publication and also a good technical knowledge. To maintain the flexibility of the system it needs a proper guidance as news publication job and paper designing job is not much known to a non media person. The need is to create a suitable structure comprising of the appropriate components for making a good system. The framework is crucial as it could be used for different publications and brands as per the respective environments. The establishment of the framework will require in-depth understanding of some of the theories or concepts manifested in some technologies. For example theories of providing template require technologies such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) and its associated algorithms are essential to ensure highly reliable software. The current process of creating the scenarios is not so flexible. Target Audiences User is one of the main concerns on how and why a system is been developed, for this current system, the target users have been categorized into two types: The software is mainly focusing on the organization engaged in printing and publishing the news paper. It can also be used by organizations publishing monthly or yearly newsletters. Moreover it is introduced for the newspaper media persons for creating graphical synopsis for different types of incidents and also for creating cartoons required in there newspaper or magazines. On the other hand, the tool could also be used by general computer user for creating the scenario of any type of incident. Nature of challenge Newspaper Synopsis Architect System has challenges in all sorts of categories. The primary challenge is to propose an integrated system for creating Graphical scenarios for various incidents. Since the tool is the very first of its type, so making it very user friendly, interactive and attractive is also one of the challenges. The next developmental challenge is creating a major generalized library that will contain many types of graphics that will be suitable for creating graphical scenarios for any kind of incident. Giving various editable options to the graphics and representing the graphics in such a way that it will give the realistic view of the incident is another challenge. The challenge is to prove Individual templates for different type of typical scenario and for generating prototype, allowing the user to easily incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as graphics, interactive questions, etc. The next challenge in building this system is to replace the conventional designing procedure which will employ better technologies to improve on the features of existing system of news paper designing. Providing a better system for complete prototyping before publishing, thorough research is needed. The challenge is to make an efficient algorithm for better utilization of the space available. Since the domain of the project is very new to me as all the procedures inside the newspaper organization is considered confidential and I need to learn about it before starting or even thinking about the technical aspects. C. Brief description of project objectives. (i.e. scope of proposal and deliverables) Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is a newspaper designing and content management tool and it is ought to wrap the trouble areas that I have opened in the preceding section. The system is being shaped to offer the newspaper producers with the glowing layout and integrated information so as to permit them to obtain proper output. Moreover the system can help in increasing the qualities of the product for the graphical designer, newspaper manufacturers and ultimately get the organization benefited. At the end of the project the deliverables are: Soft cover documentation of the system Hard cover documentation of the system A prototype of the system application on CD The Core Main Functionality of the system The main objective is to make full use of the resources and tools available, in order to come up with All-in-one scenario creator tool that meets the user or clients requirements and which is user friendly, interactive and attractive and gives graphical representations of information or Knowledge. To develop graphing software which represents the information in the form of lines, boxes, arrows, and various symbols and representing a concept, objects, activity, place or event by illustration. Tool that allows the user to create graphical synopsis which are used anywhere where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as signs, maps, journalism and education and also used to show graphical scenario of the weather, as well as maps and site plans for newsworthy events, and graphs for statistical data. Individual templates need to be designed for different type of typical scenario and the template that allow the user to easily incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as graphics, interactive questions, etc. the user would select the templates that apply to their discipline or particular case, and use them as building blocks to create an entire scenario. Instructional guidelines on how to develop the scenarios using the input tool and templates. The core idea is to build completely utilization of the assets and tools accessible, in order to approach a complete newspaper designing tool that assembles the user or clients necessities and also supplies a user friendly, interactive and attractive representation of information or Knowledge. To develop designing software that characterizes the information in the form which readers actually require. To make a software gadget that permits the newspaper designers to generate newspaper prototype ready to publish and also increasing the quality of journalism and education. Individual templates need to be designed for different type of news articles and the template that allow the client to effortlessly incorporate a variety of elements such as providing coloring, interactive data representation feature, etc. the designers just need to pick the templates that pertain to their discipline or choice, and use them as building blocks to create an entire prototype for the newspaper. To guide the designers on how to develop the newspaper prototype using the input tool, templates with applying the experts knowledge. Core functionalities included in the Newspaper Synopsis Architect System: Synopsis Architect System: Templates: This part of the system includes various types of Individual templates with different categories for creating different type of typical scenario and also include sample scenario of each category. Template Categories:- Crime Scenarios Terrorist attack Murders Bank robbery Bomb blast Hijack Accidents Entertainment Comics General Scenarios 3. Inbuilt library:- This part of the system includes a library that contains collection of stencils and different stencils include various graphics related to the incidents that generally occur in our day to day life. 4. Search Shapes: Search option provides powerful search capabilities to locate the right shape, located in the library. 5. Graphic Editing: User can edit the graphics as per his or her requirements with the editing options such as rotation handles for rotating the graphics, Selection handles for resizing graphics(can be resize to any extent), etc. 6. Add text to graphics: Although some drawings make a point all by themselves, its often helpful and sometimes necessary to add text to the shapes. Text can be added and related to the shapes easily. Newspaper Architect System: 7. Article Templates: This part of the system comprises a range of category in arranging articles of the news with particular template providing sample of each type. Example Article Template Categories:- Single column news with space for graphics space for picture Multiple column news with space for graphics space for picture space at left space at centre etc News with special watermarks 8. Toolbox: It will Includes various design generation tools like tables, color picker, different geometrical shapes, etc. that makes easy to design the newspaper that fulfills the user presentation and documents. 9. Image Generation: the prototype of the newspaper that will be designed by the designers will be saved as image format. FAQ and Help A long list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the tool will be available for the both major module. A help file system is also included in case the user has problems using the system. Enhanced functions- Additional Features Synopsis Architect System: Making own library: User has the option to create their own library and can save the graphics created by them in the library and can also import images from outside into their library and can use the images while creating the scenario. File formats: Allows saving the scenario in different file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc. Grid size and ruler measurements: Scale measurement is provided for scenario the scenario creation. Privacy: The system will provide a privacy option where the user can secure the scenario created by him/her, so that no other person can edit the scenario without the permission of the scenario creator owner. Sample Scenarios: Provides sample scenarios that are integrated with data to get ideas for creating your own scenarios, to realize how data provides more context for many diagram types, and to determine which template the user want to use. Sample video clips: User will be provided with sample video clips of how to design a scenario so that it becomes simpler for first time user for creating a scenario. Newspaper Architect System: The Tool would be a completely generalized one where all the functionalities will be according to the needs and environment of the organizations. Inbuilt library of Prototypes: This part of the system includes a library that contains collection of different generalized prototypes for the newspaper includes a variety of sample news articles placed at appropriate place. Special Features-Advanced Features: Synopsis Architect System: Toolbox Module: Includes various drawing tools like pencil, color picker, color fill, different shapes, etc. that makes easy to design new graphics that match the user presentation and documents. Email: Provides the facility of emailing the scenario directly. Customizability The system will enable a certain level of customizability, for example, while writing the text in the scenario, user can choose English (Malay alphabets included), Chinese, Tamil and Hindi as per requirement. Newspaper Architect System: The Newspaper Architect System would offer for the backup of the server data so that the collated data can be used in future and also this would help in building tenable software. The companies can amalgamate their own prototype of the newspaper from the available options and can save it for regular use. The designers would be able to upload the common pages of the generated prototype of the newspaper on the web server so as it can be distributed to the different branches of the news publications easily. It will be very flexible system as it provides the option to edit the generated prototypes and customize as per the need. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is thought to be a generalized software tool and to permit maximum customization of the features according to the needs of the newspaper organizations need is the main objective of the system. Limitations of the scope: For this Synopsis Architect System tool, parameters are set to limit the scope of the project only for the solutions and functions mentioned above, in other words, functions which are not listed above will not be implemented or included in the system, it is to be reminded that these possible features or functions will also not be included in the system as well: System is not platform independent, as I am choosing .Net as the programming language for my system so it can be run only on the system with windows as the operating system. Newspaper Architect System is a newspaper designing tool and the libraries of templates I will create not necessarily considered to be complete as the articles of the newspaper are very much dynamic in nature. Newspaper Architect System is just a designing assistance tool and it wont be able to create the prototypes dynamically; it needs someone to use it and integrate his human knowledge with its theory based principles of designing. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is thought to be a software system of its own and when the tool would be used by the organizations there would be no means to assimilate the system with any other system being utilized by the organization. Though, the newspapers organizations can have their own software or system to use the composed designs for other applications. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System wont supply for this requirement. Other learning objectives: Synopsis Architect System is the very first of its type, so by doing this project I will have to research for various other graphic designing related domains and doing this would be a benefit for me in the future. Till now I was just using the various designing tools but now my task is to develop a tool that should be user friendly, interactive and attractive and that will be a great opportunity and a good learning experience for me. Newspaper Synopsis Architect System encompasses a distinctive sphere i.e. News Presentation and Publication; by doing this project I will have to explore for this sphere and this would supply me a prospect to discover and investigate the Publication Medias news representation policies and this would be an advantage for me in the future. Developing library based systems is not new to me but bearing in mind the generalization need of the system, I will have an occasion to discover the issues permitting me to explore the potential of this area. The tool being projected is to have a bunch of features of a variety of classes such as templates and various color schemes, default prototypes and so on. To incorporate these features together into a system is going to be a good learning experience. I believe that this project could be built with the .net framework and to learn and tap the vast prospective of this expertise would compose me more rationalized and resourceful professional. D. Brief description of the resources needed by the proposal.(i.e. hardware, software, access to information / expertise, user involvement etc.) Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is being anticipated as a Library based system and in addition its domain is practically distinctive and dissimilar for a computer science student and thus I would require a lot of study and understand the domain. For the development of this tool I will need to meet people from a variety of backgrounds and fields. The planned system is paying attention on the implementation of IT to reduce the job complexity of the printing media and thus I require to have a comprehensible perceptive of both the fields. In order to understand the graphical designing, printing policies and principles of the media, I am planning to interrogate the news editors and designers. These interviews would be paying attention at discovering how IT can be used to assist the experienced design editors talent and moreover how can I reduce the complexity with enumerating the job efficiency with accuracy and precision. To recognize the potential and the expectations of the educational institute from the proposed system, I am planning to interview some of the students and lecturers involved in publication of the college news letter. I would like to discover suitable information via the data gathering techniques such as questionnaire and Interview. Hardware Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack (SP) 2 or later or Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (or higher) required 500 megahertz (MHz) processor or higher 512 megabyte (MB) RAM or higher CD-ROM: 52X CD-Rewritable drive DVD-ROM: 8X DVD drive Minimum 800600; 1024768 monitor resolution or higher recommended Keyboard and Mouse Software Requirements: In order to carry out the development of this project, many software are needed, these include Microsoft Windows XP, which shall be the operating system for the project to be developed; authoring tools such as Adobe Photoshop, visual 2005 and Macromedia Flash will also be needed in order to come up with the interactive user interface and objects. List of software required for the project: Net framework visual 2005 crystal reports(built in with visual 2005) CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) OS-Microsoft Windows XP professional. Microsoft Expression studio. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Macromedia Flash 8.0 Corel Draw 11 Access to Information and Expertise Newspaper Synopsis Architect System is the very first of its type, so for developing it I need to do a lot of research. In order to gather the sufficient and necessary information prior to the project, some resources will be needed, these resources may be people from different backgrounds, or reference books. In terms of gathering information from people and expertise of that particular area, face to face interviews and questionnaires are both sufficient methods. Because of that, certain people to be interviewed are: Lecturers Lecturers obtain deeper understanding towards specific technical areas in terms of computing or design, interviewing specific lecturers who specialize in specific areas can be beneficial to the project. Media persons: Since the project is mainly developed for the newspaper persons, so a face to face interview with the newspaper persons who are concern with the graphic designing and printing publication in the organization would also provide me a better insight of the of the requirements for this tool and also gather more detailed information. User Involvement User involvement is the key concept in the development of useful and usable systems and has positive effects on system success and user satisfaction. To reduce the software project failure user involvement is must. The users involved are also the one that test the system, and gives evaluations. Following are the users involved: Supervisor Media persons Graphic designers Printing Publication persons Lecturers Friends or Course mates The other information or the data sets required: The industry principles are to be identified in advance to build up the application according to the standards for the designing of the newspaper. But I am not up to snuff to do so the application would fail in various environments which are definitely disagreeable. The different cyber regulations and commitments are to be recognized as the system has to deal with the newspaper presentation for the crowd so a dignity should be maintained. For the organizations whose staff I would interrogate, I would oblige their current designing techniques and formula and I may and may not use them for my project. E. Academic research being carried out and other information, techniques being learnt.(i.e. what are the names of books you are going to read / data sets you are going to use) In concerning about Newspaper Synopsis Architect System, research is much important for the system and thorough the research is, more are the probability of development of a practical and satisfactory application. The project has diversity of supplies and I would need support on various topics and from all kinds of the resources. I have to comprehend and discover the newspaper designing policies for enhanced understanding of the project. I necessitate gaining knowledge of the project management and software engineering techniques for supervision and construction the project in a accurate and corrective manner. I too have to discover the concepts and principles of the engineering. After having established what I need to know by defining the scope of what I need to find out and my research plan by determining how I can get the information, I must conduct my research now. Academic Research: The project requires a good understanding of the graphics designing and generating prototyping as the system contains an inbuilt library which will be th